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Metallic Thick Wall And Cold Spun Expansion Joints

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Thick wall Expansion Joint especially design for Heat Exchanger application. Due to dissimilar material, pressure or temperature of shell side and tube side there are differential thermal growth between shell and tube, to absorb this thermal growth or expansion, need the expansion joint. This expansion joint design as per ASME Code - Div VIII - Appendix 5 or 26 and TEMA – Section - V RCB – 8.

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Bellow, Exhaust And Vent Silencers, Flexible Hoses, Metallic Circular Expansion Joints, Metallic Expansion Joints, Metallic Rectangular Or Squire Expansion Joints, Metallic Thick Wall And Cold Spun Expansion Joints, Non Metallic Composite Type Expansion Joints, Non Metallic Elastomeric Type Expansion Joints, Non Metallic Fabric Expansion Joints, Non Metallic Rubber Expansion Joints, Pressure Vessel, Products